concealed, used as a reservoir for food, ingredients, nutrients and all other what the main tank requires. Controlling all the parameters is simple and it doesn't require neither additional knowledge nor anything else. An interesting addition is a price. These tanks are not expensive as you may believe.
50 Gallon Aquarium :)
heir new aquarium, due to some reasons. Yes, you have to choose between two materials, glass and acrylic, and they look the same at the first sight, but all experts will tell you that the number of differences is high. It is definitely a better choice to get an aquarium made from a material that suits your needs, so let's reveal their characteristics and differences.
The Color of Acrylic and Glass 50 Gallon Aquariums
Most of you will want a 50 gallon aquarium simply because it offers a great price/possibilities ration. Keep in mind that colors have a huge role in the mentioned possibilities. First and foremost, acrylic aquariums are clear and fully transparent, without any colors. They are basically made from plastics, so they are more durable as well. However, over a short period of time, they may become blurry and need cleaning. Glass tanks are more resistant and they can withstand rough applications. They have colors though, so the view won't be 100% transparent. On the other side, they will stay like new indefinitely. A view can also be affected by distortion, At least for glass units. Acrylic models will always show the real interior, 100% accurate. What about the weight?
Glass aquariums are two times heavier than acrylic ones. For instance, an acrylic tank of 50 gallons will have a total weight of 40 pounds, while a glass version will have 80 pounds. Remember that this is a general rule, so a glass aquarium will always be two times heavier, regardless the construction, shape, designs and etc. For you to move and adjust the glass tank, you will need a help of your friend. It is almost impossible to move a glass unit all by yourself.
Bonding is a term that is used to explain how the sheets of material are linked together. Both types of tanks are made from 5 sheets if we talk about cube models. However, glass models are linked with the special methods, which usually involve silicone. Yes, it is durable and strong, but it affects the view. Also, the quality of the seal depends on the quality of silicone itself. Acrylic versions are linked in a much better way, so there are no visible traces of the bonding methods. They also don't affect the view.
Filter Installation
Installing a pump and a filter is simpler with acrylic aquariums due to the fact the holes can be drilled much easily. On the other hand, we have premium models (glass and acrylic) which come pre-assembled with filter and pump, so none of the installation is required. In a case you will drill a glass aquarium, using diamond-tip drilling bits is mandatory. Still, glass aquariums look better when the entire system is completed. They are also more elegant and more affordable, but more prone to cracks.
Floating Aquarium Plants :)
erate quickly. Some of them may even reach 6 foot of length, so keep your eye on them. Small fish likes this plant, simply because it creates a wonderful hiding place.
All of these plants are just ideal for most of you. They are low-maintenance and they grow quickly, so even if you make a mistake, you will recover quickly. Try to remember that floating plants are a mandatory addition to your tank.
Beginner Fish Tank :)
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Placing a tank is the next best thing. Here, you will have to make sure you placed it in a sturdy place. A cabinet is the most common choice and we like it as well, but the place where the cabinet is located is equally important. It should be somewhere where falling isn't possible. Also, make sure it isn't placed in a high traffic area.
Filters and Water Tests
Now, when you have placed your tank, the time is just right to pay attention to the water filter. It must process the entire volume of a tank 3-5 times in one hour. Larger tanks require larger filters, obviously, but because you are a beginner, and you have chosen a smaller tank, hang-on-back models are perfect. Don't forget that you should keep within your reach several cartridges, in order to replace them as soon as possible. During the first few weeks, with a new tank, they will have to be replaced more frequently.
Water test kits are something you must have as well. They are a cheap investment that can help you provide the best water quality for your fish. Generally, they will help you determine the levels of nitrate, ammonia, PH and etc. If any of these levels are high, a corresponding task will be required.
Additional accessories you will need
Although a heater isn't an accessory itself, it is an important addition to your tank. It will allow you to keep tropical fish in the tank and it will eliminate the risk of diseases. As such, it is something you must have since the day one. The most crucial thing to consider is the voltage of the heater. It must be able to process the entire water volume. EHEIM Jager heaters are usually the best choice. Other accessories include fishnet and a glass scrubber. There is no point in telling you how they work.
A few months after you have purchased your first fish tank, you can replace it and move to the larger one. You are ready.
Salt Water Fish :)

Best Fish for Salt Water Aquariums
If you have ever considered about getting a salt water aquarium, you probably know how many people will tell you that this is a bad choice. They are apparently extremely complicated, expensive and time-consuming to maintain. All of these are common mistakes and illusions! Salt water tanks and salt water fish do require a bit more maintenance and yes, they are slightly expensive, but all of that almost cannot be compared and most of you will treat it as irrelevant differences.
The most important feature to consider here is the fish. Which species are ideal? Which of them will be suitable for beginners, intermediate and professional hobbyists? If you want to find out, keep on reading.
1.Watchman Goby- The most common species
Here we have one specie that is perfect for beginners, but it also looks great if you are an expert. They are common in two different colors and patterns, but the most popular ones are yellow-green in color. We prefer them simply because they are easy to find and easy to keep. Although they may bully other members of the same species, they can live in a harmony with all other species.
Their diet is entirely based on shrimp, so it is simple and cheap. The bottom line is that they are resistant species which is very common and easy to keep.
2.Coral Beauties- Love big tanks
Despite the name Coral Beauties are not coral-related fish. As a matter of fact, they are native to rock-based water areas. The main thing to remember here us that they require a large tank. The smallest one you should even consider is 70 gallons, but those of 100 or 125 gallons are an even better choice.
Their diet consists of algae, Spirulina and similar, meaty food in general. We adore them simply because they look so beautiful. This term in the name is correct. They are also colorful and look great.
3.Butterfly Fish- more than 100 different sub-species
Butterfly Fish lives in oceans across the planet. There are more than 100 different sub-species and all of them are unique. Some of the most common ones are covered with stripes and dots. Keeping them is simple and easy, but it purely depends on the sub-specie. That's why it is important to check the guide for a specie you want to keep in your aquarium.
4.Tangs- 100 gallons tank is a must
Tangs are aggressive towards members of their own species, but they can live together with other species. The best part about them are the colors, which come in all rainbow variations. We liked the yellow ones, but there are plenty of other colors to choose from.
A tank you are going to use must be at least 100 gallons, although a larger one will be a better choice.
If you choose one of these species and pair it with a correct tank, keeping salt water fish and having an aquarium of this kind is a real pleasure.