kes them the best fish for a 10-gallon tank. You can place two Bettas in a ten-gallon aquarium without any issues. However, they can be aggressive, and you should keep an eye on their behavior to ensure that they get along. Avoid keeping two male Bettas together.
Golden Dwarf Barb

If you are searching for the best fish for a 10-gallon tank, then the Golden Dwarf Barb may be a good choice for you. It is a small-sized fish species and you can keep six to eight of them in a ten-gallon aquarium. They have shiny skin with black stripping and look mesmerizing. Golden Dwarf Barbs have a peaceful nature and are highly active. Clean aquarium water and a rich diet are the primary requirements for them.
Dwarf Corydoras

When it comes to the best fish for a 10-gallon tank, Dwarf Corydoras is an excellent species. These 1-inch fishes prefer to live in schools and you can place quite a few of them in a 10-gallon aquarium. They have a hardy nature and are easy to care for with low maintenance requirements. Dwarf Corydoras have a peaceful nature and can live on a wide variety of food. They do like well-planted aquariums with plenty of leaves.
Celestial Pearl Danio

Aquarium owners looking for the best fish for a 10-gallon tank can also consider Celestial Pearl Danio. It is a small freshwater fish that is found in shallow water bodies. They prefer to live in groups, and you can keep five of them in a 10-gallon tank. Their colorful skin and fins make the aquarium lively. These fishes require medium care level with stable water conditions. Ensure multiple plants and hiding spots for these fishes in the aquarium.