removed with regular cleaning. Algae also tend to grow on the sides of aquariums over time. You will have to clean your aquarium thoroughly for getting rid of them. It may involve moving the fish to a temporary container, emptying the aquarium, and scrapping its sides to remove the algae. Any decorative items should also be removed and cleaned properly by scrubbing them. Timely thorough cleaning will keep your tank clean and its inhabitants healthy.
Other Steps To Keep Your Fish Tank Clean
Here are a few other things that can help to keep your fish tank clean.
Don’t Overfeed The Fishes – Overfeeding the fishes can lead to accumulation of food in the water. It may change the appearance of the water and make it cloudy. You may also have to clean your aquarium more frequently. Ensure that you feed the fish only the adequate amount of food and at the right intervals.
Use Decorations and Ornaments Carefully – Introducing a new decoration such as a 3D background can also discolor the water in a fish tank. You must properly wash the decorative item or ornament before introducing it in a fish tank. Be mindful of overcrowding the aquarium with decorations. They may lower the amount of water an aquarium can hold. It will reduce the amount of living space available to plants and fishes and may induce stress in them. The reduced water level will overload the filtration system as well. Ensure that the decorations and ornaments are not overcrowding your fish tank.